FTTB - Bongor airport
FTTB stands for Bongor airport
Here you will find, what does FTTB stand for in Regional Airport Code under Regional category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Bongor airport? Bongor airport can be abbreviated as FTTB What does FTTB stand for? FTTB stands for Bongor airport. What does Bongor airport mean?Bongor airport is an expansion of FTTB
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Alternative definitions of FTTB
- Fibre To The Building
- Bongor, Chad
- For The Time Being
- Fourgons Transit Truck Bodies
- Florida Travel Tourist Bureau
- Fiber To The Building
View 7 other definitions of FTTB on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FTTA Sarh airport
- FSSR Remire airport
- FSSF Fregate Island airport
- FSSD Denis Island airport
- FSSC Coetivy airport
- FSSB Bird Island airport
- FSSA Astove airport
- FSPP Praslin airport
- FSPL Platte airport
- FSMA Marie Louise airport
- FSIA Seychelles International airport
- FSFA Farquhar airport
- FSDR Desroches airport
- FSDA Darros Island airport
- FSAL Alphonse airport
- FQXA Xai-Xai airport
- FQVL Vilankulo airport
- FQUG Ulongwe airport
- FQTT Tete Chingozi airport
- FQSG Songo airport